PHOTO: These Black Baldy steers sold by Elders Kerr & Co topped the steers today at 566c/kg, returning a handy $2370ph for MP & JL Murphy.

Total Yarding: 1,056

The usual buyers attended the double sized yarding of 1,056 mixed but mainly good quality cattle, 533 more, for the last prime sale of the year.  Prices for vealers were from unchanged to 20c cheaper while yearling steers sold 20c to 30c/kg lower. Yearling heifers made from slightly dearer for best suited lines to 30c/kg cheaper for plain quality. Grown steers were 30c to 40c lower but the few lighter weights and restocker purchases averaged slightly easier and Friesian steers were 5c/kg cheaper. There was an increase in well covered beef cow numbers and they averaged 10c cheaper while the poor quality cows dropped 20c and the few middle run of cows held firm in prices.

Vealers sold from 462c to 545c with restockers going to 566c/kg. Yearling steers made 430c to 500c and restockers paid to 534c while heifer yearlings were from 405c to 485c and a sale was out to 535c/kg. Restockers paid 410c to 562c and a light weight pen made 690c/kg. The few dairy and plain yearlings sold between 320c and 380c with restockers going to 405c/kg.

The mainly heavy weight selection of grown steers were from 418c to 440c with lighter weights at 460c, 500c and 506c/kg. Most restocking sales were between 425c and 480c with the best to 534c/kg. Older and extra heavy weight bullocks sold from 345c to 416c while the Friesian steers made 380c to 412c and the plainer conditioned sold from 330c to 355c/kg. Beef bred grown heifers were from 374c to 421c and restockers paid 390c to 434c/kg.

The beef cows made 314c to 360c with younger types from 390c to 434c/kg. The few lean conditioned dairy cows were between 290c and 320c with poor to plain quality from 220c to 280c/kg. Beef bulls made 310c to 378c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click HERE for full WVLX market report.