Total Yarding: 677
Agents yarded 677 cattle at Mortlake where the quality was much improved this week with an excellent run of bullocks and yearling cattle on offer, however the offering of cows was not quite as heavy as last week but was predominantly made up of beef Bred cows. All the usual processors and feeders were present, however not all active in a market that was firm to dearer. Overall, categories with feeders strongly underpinning the market. The market comprised of 145 bullocks, 284 trade cattle, 242 cows and 6 grown bulls.
There were some very good vealers on offer and these were 10c to 15c dearer, making to 412c/kg to go back to the paddock. Bullocks sold from 330c to 378c and grown heifers made from 320c to 353c, these being 10c/kg dearer. Trade cattle, especially yearlings in the 500 to 600kg range were 15 to 20c/kg dearer. Yearling steers made from 320c to 375c and the heifers sold from 310c to 388c/kg.
Cows were firm to 10c dearer with heavy weight cows beef bred, making from 270c to 305c and medium weight cows made from 240c to 270c/kg. Cows back to the paddock made 243c/kg. Friesian cows made to 252c and grown bulls sold to 250c/kg.
Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click here for full report.