PHOTO: Bullocks sold well today with competition high at the first WVLX prime market for 2019, including this great looking pen of Angus bullocks that reached $1702.88ph (ave weight 597.5kg).
Total Yarding: 636
Today was the first prime fat sale in 2019 and the yarding was excellent quality, with the numbers increasing after the Christmas break. All weights and grades were represented with additional buyers joining the regular group, which created good competition across most categories and produced a strong start to the year.
There was a good offering of vealers, with the best of the steers making to 281c/kg. Vealer heifers and steers made from 220c to 281c/kg. The best of the trade weight steers sold from 256c to 289c, while the best of the trade heifers sold well, making from 255c to 280c/kg. Feeder steers and heifers were in good supply, with the better steers selling from 236c to 270c, whilst the heifers sold from 245c to 275c/kg.
Grown steers were in demand, with processors paying from 255c to 280c/kg for the better types. Grown heifers sold from 205c to 245c/kg. A good offering of well finished beef cows was presented, with the better C3 and C4 types making from 216c to 228c/kg. The dairy portion was limited, making from 160c to 195c/kg. A mixture of bulls sold to the usual buying group, with the better shapes selling from 205c to 226c/kg.
Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.
CLICK HERE for full WVLX market report.