PHOTO: This beautiful pen of 32 Hicks-bred Steers by Ware Pastoral was the Best Presented Pen of Steers today. Sold by Southern Grampians Livestock, they made a top of 295c/kg, with an average weight of 415kg.
Total Yarding: 1,105
Another well supported monthly store sale at WVLX Mortlake by both local vendor suppliers and another large gallery of buyers and onlookers. After good local rains, a lighter yarding than advertised came forward. The total yarding was made up of locally-bred cattle and sold to extremely good rates as compared to last months sale.
Heavy Angus feeder steers were in shorter supply and sold to a keen demand with the tops making 275c/kg. Also amongst the yarding were some very good lines of Hereford and Euro steers that were also bought by lot feeders and sold to dearer rates than last sale.
Angus weaner calves sold to a top of 292c/kg and once again Euro X Steer weaners topped at 295c/kg with lighter weighted well-bred Angus and Black Baldy calves in the open auction section selling to a top of $920ph which also was up to $120 dearer than the previous sale. The Friesian steers, both weighed and un-weighed, also sold to a lot stronger competition than last sale. It’s amazing how rain in our local area has given confidence to the re-stocking market.
All types of Heifers also sold to a very keen demand and proved to be sought after by feedlotters and re-stockers.
There were two interstate buyers in attendance that left empty-handed, with most cattle being purchased by local agents, clients and vendors.
In another point of interest, a leading cattle buyer of both processing and feedlot cattle as a first-time visitor to WVLX made a special comment that his company would fully support both prime and store sales at WVLX. He was particularly impressed with the facility’s soft flooring and presentation of the cattle.
Market Report: WVLX Agent’s Association President.
CLICK HERE for full WVLX market report.