PHOTO: Topping the market at WVLX Mortlake today were these Angus grown steers that reached 372c/kg under the Southern Grampians Livestock hammer, averaging $2678ph for Banquet Pastoral.

Numbers increased to 2,238 head this week at WVLX Mortlake representing a rise of 513 head. Compared to the last market it was an improved quality yarding over most categories, excluding the manufacturing types which were plainer in quality. The better pens of grown cattle and bullocks carried good weight and despite the quality there were good numbers of manufacturing cattle on offer together with some very weighty beef cows. The market comprised 447 grown cattle along with 570 trade weights together with 1,159 cows and 62 grown bulls. Along with the regular buyers there was the addition of 2 other processors that were all active and also evident was restocker and feeder interest.

The market remained strong over most categories where grown cattle gained 20c/kg with trade weight cattle remaining firm to 10c/kg dearer. Manufacturing cattle were firm whilst the lead heavy cows gained 10c/kg along with the medium weights and dairy grades improving 15c/kg. Bulls were generally firm.

The small offering of vealers sold to 356c/kg. Trade steers and heifers were selling between 290c and 362c/kg with grown cattle topping at 372c/kg Manufacturing steers sold up to 255c with heavy beef cows selling from 230c to 280c/kg with the medium weights between 190c and 235c/kg. The better covered dairy cows generally selling between 180c and 230c/kg. Grown bulls to the trade sold to 260c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click HERE for full WVLX market report.