PHOTO: Great to have Boyle’s Livestock Transport drover Peter Smith, and grandson Ryan Smith (10), at the WVLX prime market today! They had 3 loads to cart after the sale and due to our quick weighing process were expecting to be back at the depot by lunch time.

Total Yarding: 445

Just a few more cattle were penned this week and quality was generally plain to average over most of the yarding, with just a few better finished spread thinly throughout. A similar number of buyers attended the sale and prices were much cheaper, with very few exceptions. Cattle purchased to go back on feed were least affected as prices for young and grown cattle came back a general 15c to 30c/kg. Cows lowered by 30c to 50c/kg and even more at times. The yarding comprised of 64 grown steers, 214 young cattle, 13 grown heifers, 118 cows and 36 bulls.

Only a small handful of vealers came forward and they sold at 180c, 258c and 260c/kg. Most C2 and C3 yearlings made between 200c and 260c to trade and restocker buyers. The plainer D2 grades were from 130c to `198c/kg.

The grown steer yarding generally lacked finish with the C2 grade from 214c to 248c and the few C3 and C4’s at 248c and 250c/kg. D2 manufacturing steers sold from 172c to 198c/kg. Three score grown heifers made 214c to 245c/kg.

Well bred and finished C3 and C4 beef cows sold from 191c to 207c with a pen at 219c/kg. The C2 cows sold between 158c and 185c with D2’s at 150c, 155c and 170c/kg. The E1 and D1 cows ranged from 108c to 130c/kg. Heavy weight B2 bulls made 210c to 213c with 13 C1’s at 175c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

CLICK HERE for full WVLX market report.