The countdown is on, with less than two weeks until the new $15million WVLX saleyards in Mortlake will be put to the test for its first prime market on Monday 22 January.

WVLX Manager Tim Nowell said he was both nervous, yet excited and confident that the first sale would be a success.

“It’s been a very busy few months refining and constructing this facility to ensure it suits local conditions and meets the needs of those that will be using it, but we couldn’t be more ready,” Mr Nowell said.

“Over the next two weeks we’ll be doing a lot of testing to make sure everything is up to scratch, including more staff training, trial runs and last minute tweaks.”

The first sale, which also sees the opening of the new eatery ‘The Feedlot Cafe’ for breakfast and lunch, will include an official opening at 8.30am, followed by a charity auction of four steers, with the highly anticipated prime market set to begin around 9am.

Mr Nowell said that while their main focus is on the prime market, they are happy to use the first sale as an opportunity to raise money for some local and worthwhile charities.

“We’ve had quite a bit of interest by the agents and local producers to run a charity auction and WVLX is committed to giving back where we can, so we are only too happy to accommodate this request.”

Anyone with enquiries about the first sale can contact Tim Nowell on 0428 591 614 or through Facebook www.facebook.com/wvlxvic.