PHOTO: Topping the Prime Market today was this pen of Romagnola steers that J & J Kelly sold for 360c/kg, averaging $1638ph for T Donovan & A McLean.
Numbers increased this week at Mortlake’s Prime Market to 1,298 representing an increase of 298 head on the previous week with the offering a very big improvement most notably in the trade weight cattle. The grown cattle and bullocks carried good weight whilst the manufacturing steers lacked finish and weight. The cow offering was mostly of better quality with a good mixture of beef and dairy types and included more lighter weight cows. The market comprised of 303 grown cattle, 272 trade types, 605 cows and 18 grown bulls with most processors present and operating along with good restocker interest in a market that was stronger over most categories driven by quality and gaining 20 to 30c/kg and more in places. Cows gained 20 to 40c/kg, more so for beef breeds and bulls gained 40 to 50c/kg in places.
Trade steers and heifers sold from 290c to 360c/kg. Grown cattle topped at 332c/kg with manufacturing steers to 255c/kg. Heavy beef cows were selling from 220c to 272c/kg with the medium weights between 175c and 210c/kg. The better covered dairy cows were selling generally between 275c and 220 c/kg with grown beef bulls to 250c/kg.