PHOTO: Tim, Gaye and Kristy Haworth of Mortlake had this great pen of Angus Steers that made top dollar today at 311c/kg (weight 263.8kg). The Haworth’s sold 150 cattle in total and were very happy with their prices.

Total Yarding: 3,025

The HeartKids December store sale was opened with the Victorian State Manager of HeartKids, Norm Hutton, giving a brief run down on the staggering statistics of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in children and explaining the valuable work that the HeartKids organisation does to support families affected by CHD.

There was also a very large crowd today to support the sale, which included active buyers from Gippsland, Deniliquin, Tamworth, Patchewollock as well as local restockers. The yarding consisted of a very good quality line-up of grown steers and weaner cattle, with the feature line of Moyne Falls cattle presenting in outstanding condition. Grown steers sold to a high of 306c/kg, topping at $1551/hd.

Weaner Steers sold to a top of 311c/kg, with the top price $1150/hd, while the Open Auction Steers sold to a top of $1000/hd, which was dearer than last month’s store sale by around $60.

Older Heifers were up on last month’s sale and sold to a top of 285c/kg, with the top price being $1350/hd. Weaner Heifers sold to a top of 273c/kg and $1115/hd. Open Auction Heifers sold to a top of $705/hd and PTIC Cows reached a high $1630/hd. Our Feature F1 Unjoined Heifers topped at $1150/hd. All cattle today presented in very forward condition and were all locally Western District bred cattle.

We’d like to thank all the generous people that donated items for our silent auction to raise money for the HeartKids organisation, including CopRice, Rodwells SKB, Elders Mortlake and Bruce Redpath & Jane Allen.

Market Report: WVLX Agent’s Association President.

CLICK HERE for full WVLX market report.