Monday Prime Market

PHOTO: The sun shone in on this pen of Limousin steers at Monday’s prime market, of which 2 sold for the market top of 372c/kg under the Nutrien Ag hammer, returning $1339ph for K Benallack. 

Total Yarding: 842

Agents at Mortlake yarded 840 head this week at the Monday Prime Market, being a substantial increase of 340 head on the previous week’s market. The overall quality was mixed from good to plainer types however, the yarding was on the better side to the previous week. A large percentage of dairy bred cattle were on offer. Most of the regular buyers were in attendance and not all were operating. Restocker interest was restricted with the majority of the grown steers and some trade cattle being purchased by feeders. Cows were purchased to return to the paddock.

Secondary cattle were softer whilst the better bred and quality cattle remained firm to slightly easier. 295 trade and 130 grown cattle were yarded along with 400 cows. Some very good vealers were on offer selling from 270c to 372c/kg. Trade steers and heifers made between 280c and 344c/kg. Grown cattle topped at 323c/kg.

Good heavy beef cows sold from 190c to 238c/kg, with the medium weights 150c to 195c/kg. Dairy cows were making between 160c and 203c/kg with grown beef bills realizing 230c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click HERE for full WVLX market report.