Prime Cattle Market 20 January 2020

Above: Cows did extremely well today, sold 30.0cents above average from previous sale, an 25.0cents up on last weeks tops. This pen of murray grey cows from Jullundur Farms  made 238.0c/kg $(1411.23 p/h) (Sold by Elders Kerr & Co)


Agents yarded 625 cattle at Mortlake today, an increase on last week. The overall quality of the yarding was very good, especially in the grown cattle. The offering of cows that came forward were all beef bred. All the regular buyers plus 2 extra were in attendance as well as feeders and restockers, resulting in the sale being firm to dearer in places on last week’s sale. The yarding consisted of 22 bullocks, 462 trade cattle, 130 cows and 11 young bulls.

Steer and heifer vealers, 3 score to the trade made to 276c/kg being firm. Yearling Steers to the trade, 3 and 4 score made from 240c to 285c/kg. The heifers made from 232c to 275c with feeders paying up to 268c/kg.

C3 and C4 grown steers made from 246c to 300c and the heifers made from 250c to 294c/kg. Feeders paid to 277c, these being 15c/kg dearer. Manufacturing Steers made from 205c to 241c/kg to be firm. The offering of cows was predominantly made up of C3 and C4. These made from 239c to 243c and C2 cows sold from 195c to 224c, to be 20c/kg dearer. There were no grown bulls on offer.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click here for full report.