PHOTO: Charles & Cass Kimpton of Toora West sold 582 grown Angus steers & heifers through Elders Kerr & Co, with steers to a top of 448c/kg and up to $2272ph, and the heifers to a top of 506c/kg or $2204ph. They are pictured with Angus MacGillivray (back left) and from front left Piers Clarke, Isabel, Willa & Charles Kimpton. 

Yarding: 4,875

Selling agents yarded 4,875 cattle at this week’s Mortlake store market. It was an excellent offering of locally bred weaner and yearling steers and heifers. Local breeders offered in good lines, predominantly Angus bred cattle to a large gallery of buyers. Support for the market was wide spread from Gippsland, Northern Victoria and south east South Australia, the Wimmera, Riverina and local areas. Lines of suitable steers and heifers to feed-on attracted one major processor to dominate competition on the yearling steers.   

The market was very strong and on recent markets was 25c to 30c/kg dearer over most categories. Weaner steers to restockers sold from 390c to 456c/kg with the lighter end realizing 545c/kg. Yearling steers attracted the strongest competition from processors with purchases destined to go on feed paying from 370c to 440c/kg and topping at 468c/kg attracting interest from bullock finishers from The Gippsland and South Australia.   

The majority of the yearling heifers on offer were suitable for breeding and topped at 506c/kg with the majority realizing between 330c and 472c/kg. A number of lines were purchased by repeat buyers. Weaner heifers made from 340c to 435c/kg mainly to restockers. 

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (market reporter Chris Agnew). Click HERE for full WVLX market report.