PHOTO: Charles Stewart & Co sold this pen of bullocks at WVLX Mortlake on behalf of R Condie, with 2 in the pen topping the category at 515c/kg, $3193ph, while the other 3 reached 475c/kg averaging $3143ph.

Total Yarding: 458

Agents yarded 458 at WVLX Mortlake, an increase of 64 head comprising 193 export and 263 trade. All of the regular buyers were present with feeder competition most active. The quality on offer over was very good to be much improved on last week’s offering. 

The sale was very strong resulting in the grown cattle and trade cattle improving 20c to 30c/kg. Manufacturing steers were firm to dearer in places and the cows remained firm over most categories. Yearling Steers and Heifers to the trade made between 492c and 580c/kg. 

Grown Steers and Heifers making between 474c and 558c/kg. Manufacturing Steers sold to 446c/kg. Best beef cows had the general run making between 388c and 438c/kg. Dairy Cows sold from 300c to 384c/kg. Beef bred bulls to 370c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click HERE for full WVLX market report.