WVLX Mortlake yarded 1,303 head this week, a reduction of 130 on the previous market where the quality overall improved for the grown and trade weight cattle with fewer secondary types on offer with some lead trade weights being grain assisted. A good mixture of beef and dairy cows were also yarded. The bullocks and grown cattle had plenty of weight and there were also a good number of manufacturing steers. The sale comprised 284 grown cattle, 433 trade and 568 cows along with 18 grown bulls. Most processors were present and active and feeder and restocker interest was evident.

The market was very strong over all categories with grown cattle gaining 25 to 30c/kg. Manufacturing steers were up to 35c/kg and trade cattle increased 35c/kg whilst the secondary cattle remained firm on the previous week. Heavy beef cows gained 25c/kg with the medium weights and dairy cows remaining firm to slightly dearer by 5 to 15c/kg. Bulls gained 20c/kg.

A larger selection of vealers made up to 380c/kg. Trade weight steers and heifers made from 280c to 412c/kg (grain assisted). Grown cattle topped at 340c with manufacturing steers selling up to 256c/kg. Heavy beef cows sold from 200c to 260c/kg with the medium weights between 170c and 200c/kg. The better covered dairy cows were generally between 175c and 225c/kg with grown beef bulls making 252c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click HERE for full WVLX market report.