PHOTO: This outstanding pen of Angus bullocks reached the market top of 291c/kg (ave weight 554.3kg) sold by the whizz, Craig Pertzel of Elders Kerr & Co.

Total Yarding: 1063

A much larger offering of 1063 cattle at Mortlake, 694 head more which greeted an extra 6 buyers that were present and operating. The quality was improved with a higher percentage of cattle in good condition in all the categories. There was also a very good selection of grown steers along with heavy to medium weight cows with an average to mostly good quality in agents trade cattle run, suiting both processors and restockers. The good young cattle sold to stronger competition as they sold 5c to 15c/kg dearer with some of the plainer younger cattle selling around firm. The grown steers sold 10c to 20c/kg dearer and up to 30c/kg higher for the best quality and the manufacturing steers were 5c to 10c stronger. Cow sales of the heavy to medium weights also sold 5c to 15c/kg dearer with the fewer number of lighter cows being 2c to 5c/kg easier and the bulls sold close to equal.

The few vealers sold made from 250c to 280c/kg. Most of the steer yearlings to the processors sold from 234c to 274c/kg, heifer yearlings C2 and C3 sold from 192c to 272c/kg with the restockers and feeders very active paying mostly from 200c to 277c/kg for their younger cattle. The dairy bred D2 steers made from 201c to 232c with dairy yearling heifers 181c to 185c/kg. The well presented C muscled grown steers and bullocks sold from 230c to reach the market top of 291c/kg with restockers and feeders paying 222c to 282c/kg during the sale as the D2 and D3 manufacturing steers sold from 200c to 238c/kg. The good quality grown heifers of C muscle sold from 210c to 259c/kg with dairy bred heifers making to 205c/kg as the restockers purchased grown heifers from 190c to 254c/kg. Heavy C muscled beef cows sold from 211c to the top of 236c/kg with the D2 leaner beef cows 170c to 208c/kg and the light E1 and D1 cows made between 138c to 168c/kg. E1 dairy bred cows sold for 120c the D1 dairy bred cows sold from 150c to 172c/kg, the heavier D2 cows 175c to 190c/kg with a pen of D3 Friesian cows selling to 220c/kg. The better quality beef bulls mostly made from 186c to 215c/kg during the market.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

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