Just over 5,500 cattle yarded at the December WVLX Store Sale. Quality was mostly excellent with big runs of well bred beef cattle offered, however there were pens at the end of each run of plainer types. All the usual buying gallery were present from all over Victoria, Southern NSW and South Australia, they operated in a market that opened slightly softer on the grown steers selling to 10c cheaper and more in places. Bidding intensified on the young weaner steers, with one pen selling to a top of 382c/kg, to be 50c dearer for a few isolated sales but most averaging 10c to 20c/kg stronger, while some pens were discounted if unweaned. Buyers weren’t as eager over the heifers, although the well bred younger heifers held firm to 10c dearer and one pen of light weight Angus heifers selling to 332c/kg, the general run averaging 10c to 20c/kg softer.

Weaner angus steers made from 260c to 382c, for the heavier weights and 304c to 342c/kg lighter weights, to be 20c/kg better. Black Baldy and Herefords weaner steers made 254c to 334c and all other breeds sold from 230c to 288c/kg. Angus heifers sold from 189c to 270c, with one pen of light weight well bred heifers selling to 332c/kg. Black Baldy heifers made to 245c, and all other breeds sold from 180c to 226c/kg.

Yearling Angus steers sold from 240c to 302c/kg. Black Baldy’s made from 256c to 292c, Herefords sold from 240c to 292c/kg. All other breeds and lighter weights sold from 220c to 302c/kg. Yearling Angus heifers made from 185c to 274c, Black Baldy’s and Herefords heifers sold from 220c to 268c, and other breeds from 160c to 235c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (market reporter Sheona Lamb). Click HERE for full WVLX market report.