Photo: Elise Dell of Hawkesdale sold over 92 cattle at today’s prime market, including the first pen of the day which were 10 Hereford bullocks @ $2.58/kg with an average weight of 533.5kg. Elise, who has been selling at WVLX since it’s first sale, praised the Mortlake saleyards and the modern facilities.

Total Yarding: 488

There was a slight decrease in the cattle numbers to a total of 488 head at Mortlake, 13 less after some recent good rainfall over the weekend. The usual buyers were present and operated in stronger market. Quality was from plain to average, although there were some good drafts of grown steers and well covered beef bred cows in the mixed offering. The yarding was made up of approximately 356 export and 132 young cattle. The trade cattle improved with the help of the restockers and feeder competition as they lifted from 5c to 20c/kg. Grown steers sold stronger by 10c to 20c/kg and the light cows sold firm. The medium and heavy beef cows sold 10c to 20c/kg dearer.

In the trade weight young cattle, steers, which suited processors, made from 240c to 272c and restockers and feeders paid from 220c to 290c/kg. Trade weight yearling C3 heifers sold from 240c to 270c with store buyers paying between 200c up to 270c/kg. Heavier yearling heifers C3 sold from 240c to 264c with restockers and feeders buying C2 and D2 lots from 230c to 261c/kg.

C2 and C3 grown steers sold from 258c to the market top of 294c as restockers were active from 264c to 285c/kg. Grown heifers made from 177c to 240ckg/head. Light cows sold from 112c to 140c/k. D1 and D2 dairy bred cows sold from 158c to 178c and medium weight D2beef cows made from 150c to 182c/kg. D2 and D3 heavy beef cows sold from 170c to 210c and the C3 to C5 grades made from 199c to 217c/kg. Bulls reached a top of 236c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

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