PHOTO: Dallas Milich of Heywood in front of his market top pen of Limousin X Steers that Landmark sold for 302c/kg (ave weight 391.9kg) at WVLX in Mortlake. He also had the top pen of Heifers, which made 294c/kg (ave weight 348.3kg), so congratulations to Dallas on a very successful day!

Total Yarding: 910

Cattle supply increased further with numbers near doubling for the second week in a row. Overall the quality was good with cows and trade cattle well supplied, but grown steers and bulls were in limited numbers. A strong field of trade, export and restocker buyers attended, with competition steady throughout the sale. Price trends however varied, with the moderate supply of vealers approximately 10c to 15c dearer and most yearlings sold equal, although the heifers to the trade made on average 10c/kg less. Grown steers averaged unchanged in price, as did plain conditioned cows, but the good quality heavy weight beef cows sold equal with dairy cows on a cheaper trend.

Milk vealers mainly sold from 263c to 296c, with a B muscled pen that received 302c/kg. The yearling steers were from 230c to 288c, while restockers paid to 283c/kg. The yearling heifers were from 222c to 279c, with restockers going to 262c/kg.

The light and medium weight grown steers made from 245c to 286c, with an odd sale at 296c/kg. The grown heifers sold from 235c to 255c/kg. Manufacturing D2 steers made from 200c to 230c/kg. Heavy beef cows sold from 206c to 236c, as D2 cows made from 160c to 201c, while plain 1 score cows received from 130c to 164c, with very poor conditioned making from 46c to 108c/kg. Heavy weight B2 bulls sold from 202c to 224c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

CLICK HERE for full WVLX market report.