Nutrien Ag Solutions Warrnambool sold 2 pens of Limousin X Calves on behalf of K. Benallack. 4 heavy steers made 525c/kg, $2047.50 and the lighter 8 making 520c/kg or $1745.25.

Total Yarding: 237

Saleyard supply remains low as processing at some abattoirs continues to be restricted to small throughput because of Covid. Not all the regular buyers attended the sale or even operated. Prices however for the generally good quality offering of 237 head witnessed grown steers 10c to 20c dearer and chopper cows 10c to 15c/kg higher due to restocker competition. The rest of the yarding averaged unchanged in prices.

Vealers sold from 480c to 540c with yearlings from 460c to 525c and restockers paid to 548c/kg. The grown steers mainly sold between 425c and 430c to processors and restockers while a pen of three head made 445c/kg and went to a processor.

Beef cows were from 280c to 310c and a restocker paid 350c/kg. Most of the leaner cows made between 270c and 290c with the best of the restocking sales to 335c/kg.

Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click here for full report.