There was an increase in the number of cattle sold at Mortlake today to 504, an increase of 197 head. Quality was mixed, with few better pens in the grown steers and bullocks coming forward. One southern processor was absent from the regular field of processors, while those in attendance operated in a firm to dearer market, combining with restocker and feeder buyers that were very active on suitable lines. Yearling steers to the trade sold to 278c and 300c/kg. Heifers to the trade sold from 260c to 270c/kg.

Restockers paid a premium for yearlings, making from 275c to 321c/kg. This week there was much better selection of grown steers and heifers suitable for the trade, resulting in C3 and C4 grown steers and bullocks making from 286c to 333c, with the heifer portion reaching up to 282c/kg. Manufacturing bullocks sold to 270c/kg.

During the cow run, competition was very active from most processors. Heavy 3 and 4 score beef cows lifted 3c to 22c, making from 245c to 270c/kg. Light cows sold from 196c to 210c/kg. Bulls were also dearer, rising 10c/kg on last week’s prices. Heavy bulls with shape sold from 237c to 244c/kg.

Market report courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

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