Prime Cattle Market- 6 April, 2020

Total Yarding: 493

Agents yarded 493 cattle at Mortlake. It was a mixed yarding of cattle with the quality ranging from plain to very good. All the processors and restockers were in attendance operating in a market that was firm to dearer over all categories with feeders operating very strongly and underpinning the market. The yarding consisted of 36 bullocks, 135 trade heifers, 74 trade steers, 146 cows and three grown bulls.

Yearling C3 and C4 steers made to 350c and the heifer portion to 347c/kg. Grown steers, C3 and C4 made from 290c to 337c with the heifers making from 282c to 336c/kg. Cows, C3 and C4, sold from 250c to 280c, with the D2 cows making from 230c to 260c/kg. Light cows sold from 180c to 220c, back to the paddock from 222c to 230c/kg. Bulls sold to 240c/kg.


Market Report: Reproduced courtesy of Meat & Livestock Australia Limited. Click here for full report.